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Children Praying

Prayer Boxes


Each class has their very own prayer box. Each half term we update them with something we want to pray for. As a class we all have a discussion and then vote about what goes into our prayer boxes. Sometimes we are given a theme from Mrs Owen or Miss Rainford and sometimes we can choose our own, for example something we have seen on the news or a local problem. 


Children from each class are involved in creating our prayer boxes with objects linked to what we are praying for. Each class is given a task where they complete an action linked to their prayer box. This helps us to live out Catholic Social Teaching. At the end of each half term we join together to share what each class has done to raise awareness of what has been in their prayer box. The prayer boxes help us to live like Jesus wants us to live.


Please click on the links below to see some examples of our Prayer boxes and why we have chosen our special themes.


Autumn 1 Prayer Boxes


Autumn 2 Prayer Boxes


Spring 1 Prayer Boxes


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