01352 713182
Learning and growing together in the love of Christ
We offer education and wrap around care facilities from 8:00am till 5:30pm for Children aged 3 to 11 years. Enquire about our Breakfast club, Preschool and Creche.
Saint Winefride
Saint Winefride is our patron Saint and is an example to us all. She means a great deal to the children and they know that they can pray to her and ask her for guidance.
The story of St. Winefride tells us of how she came back to life following a vicious attack by Caradoc. The place in which she was healed is now a shrine to people who come from all over the world to pray for healing.
We are very lucky to be within 5 minutes walking distance of St Winefrides well.
Saint David
St. David is the patron saint of Wales, his feast day is celebrated on 1st March.
In school the children celebrate by dressing in traditional Welsh colours or Welsh costumes and performing at our annual Eistedfodd. All of our families and friends come along to watch.